Created a "slave" race, and clearly views Synths as just that: slaves. Commonwealth "boogymen" and with good reason. Potential to redirect institute's goals. High technology has potential to increase Commonwealth Standard of Living Ignoring the implications of synths being allowed into general population ("boogyman" effect see Diamond City) Putting human lives on the line for artificial lives. Few resources, and unlikely to match the military power of the Institute. Opposes the Institute and the enslavement of synths. Concerned with the implications of creating sapient/sentient beings in the form of Synths. Rigidly opposes the freedom ideals of the Railroad. Members referred to Nick Valentine as my "pet Synth," thus showing bigotry. Extremely xenophobic and wants to commit genocide against anything -not- completely human. Concerned with keeping humanity from repeating the mistakes that led to the nuclear apocalypse. Irritating endless "defend this settlement" quests. Unconcerned with the problems associated with the insitute and synths as a whole It's always fun to uncover new settlements and watch them grow Doesn't play politics and thus, does not bother any of the other factions when I complete its missions. Neutral faction that is primarily interested in helping the people of the commonwealth survive and thrive. and honestly, I can't decide who to support.

So I'm getting to the point of no return with all four major factions.